Várpalota - Palotanet

English  Cultural history



Várpalotai Bányász Sportegyesület (Várpalota Miners' Sport Association)

The first football association in Várpalota was founded in the first half of 1920 under the name Várpalotai Torna Egylet (VTE) (Várpalota Gymnastics Society). In 1927 a new association was formed: Unió Torna Egylet (Union Gymnastics Society). In 1936 a swimming pool was inaugurated mainly from the salary of the miners.
We can mostly speak of the evolution of a rich sporting life in the town from the 50's. Since 1949 there was a tabletennis section of the sports circle. The athletics section was founded in 1951.
The cycling section was formed in 1950.
The men's handball section was formed in 1952.
The women's handball team was formed in 1961.
1951 saw the formation of the women's basketball and men's boxing section. The men's volleyball section operated between 1952 and '55, the women's between 1959 and '65.
The fencing section has been running officially since 1961.

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