Várpalota - Palotanet

English  Economic history



The evolution of commerce
Local industry started to form in the 18th Century. Commerce developed parallel with it. The first to do it locally were Armenian and Jewish merchants. After 1820 commerce flourished more energetically. Until 1958 retailers did not keep pace with the development of the town. In socialism the significance of private commerce was reduced to a minimum. Different specialized shops appeared. New shops appeared on the developing Tési hill, a row of shops was opened in Táncsics street beside the castle. Between 1960 and 1995 the large proportion of local commerce was in the hands of the Thuri György Munkásszövetkezet (György Thuri Workers' Cooperative), Pannonker and the Komfort Company. The number of private shops also increased. In the middle of the 1990s shops of interntional commercial networks also appeared.
In the 1950s and '60s there is a peculiar dualism in the field of catering: The Palota hotel with its restaurant, espresso, garden would have been apt to suit the demands of the local elite, but its turnover was small. At the same time low standard pubs thrived. The standard of the Palota hotel also decreased continually. In the course of the change in regime the county catering companies ceased to be or were transformed. As a result of a slow development by the 1990s several restaurants and places of entertainment with suitable standards can be found in the town. The "Két bagoly fogadó (Two owls Inn) a private, good quality but small institution is available for hotel guests. The town is in great need of a modern hotel and restaurant.

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