Public utility information |
Várpalota's postal code: 8100
Telephone area code: 88
Special numbers:
Ambulance: 104, 88/371-780
Firefighters: 105, 88/478-455
Police: 107, 88/371-511, 371-045, 372-817
Inland directory assistance: 198
International directory assistance: 199
Road information: 89/313-215
Veszprém county Road information: 88/421-220
Tourist information: 1/117-9800
Parking possibilities:
- beside Thuri castle in Táncsics street
- behind Polgármesteri Hivatal (Mayor's Office Gárdonyi G. u. 39.)
- on Szent István street (opposite Városi Könyvtár - Town Library)
- behind Jószerencsét Művelődési Ház (Community Centre Honvéd u. 1.)
Mayor's Office - Town Hall
Várpalota, Gárdonyi G. u. 39.
Phone: 88/472-444, 472-689, 472-012, 472-216
Secreteriate: 88/471-859
Mayor Phone/Fax: 88/471-506
Administration - document office: 88/472-444, 474-260
Registrar of births, marriages and deaths: changing ********
Health service
Town Hospital - Clinic
Várpalota, Honvéd u. 2.
Tel.: 88/472-555, 472-211
Várpalota, Szent Imre u. 6.
Tel: 88/372-887
Night and weekend medical duty
Várpalota, Honvéd u. 2.
Tel.: 88/372-144
Tourist service
Balatontourist Rt. Travel Agency
Várpalota, Szent István u. 27.
Tel.: 88/372-580
Information, organization of journeys, exchange
Organization of foreign and inland journeys
Plane tickets
Travel insurance
Private accommodation
1st May to 1st September
Monday-Friday: 8.00-16.00
Saturday: 8.00-12.00
1st September to 1st May
Monday-Friday: 8.00-16.00
Roman Catholic Parish
Várpalota, Szent Imre u. 7.
Tel.: 88/472-859
Calvinist Minister's Office
Várpalota, Batsányi u. 1.
Tel.: 88/471-682
Lutheran Minister's Office
Várpalota, Jókai u. 10.
Tel.: 88/371-204
Town food market Várpalota, Gárdonyi G. u. 35.
Tel.: 474-541
Town Television
Várpalota, Erdődy P. T. u. 19.
T/F: 88/471-29
Paloti Hírlap (newspaper)
Várpalota, Thuri-vár
Tel.: 88/582-090, 582-091
Várpalota, Veszprémi u. 7.
T/F: 88/472-405