IGYSC and other sport associations
The Inota Factory Sports Club has a national championship 3rd class men's bowling and mass sport section in Inota. The electric bowling alley is operated by the Alumínium Kft.
The Várpalota Kosárlabda Klub (Várpalota Basketball Club) has been working since 1997 and has national championship 2nd class county and recruitment teams. The Várpalotai Diáksport Egyesület (Várpalota Student Sport Association) was founded in 1987. At present they have county first class men's basketball, karate and gymnastics groups. The Maraton Tömegsport Egyesület (Marathon Mass Sport Association) has an athletics group. The Golden Dance Aerobic group has operated as an association since 1997.
The Mushin Karate-Do. Sport Association has been working since 1977.